City Council (1/19/23) [cc]


PRAYER Mr. Kirt Wade 00:01:42


CEREMONIAL ITEMS STARS Award: Marlene Belcher 00:02:37

Consent Agenda 1. Affordable Housing Program - Leg 00:06:38

Old Business 00:07:03

Ordinance Land Use Matters 6. Ordinance 22-OZ-18 Zoning 00:07:05

New Business 00:09:05

Land Use Matters 7. Amending the Sign Ordinance (Planning) 00:09:06

8. Rezoning property along Memorial Blvd. and Haynes Haven Lane 00:12:06

9. Sewer Allocation Variance- Memorial Boulevard – Hy-Vee 02:33:24

10. Planning Commission Recommendations 02:35:51

Resolution 11. Resolution 23-R-PH-01 Salem Highway and Barfield Road 02:36:24

On Motion 12. Purchase of SCBAs for Two New Apparatus 02:37:56

13. Purchase of Roll-Out Garbage Carts ( 02:39:32

Board & Commission Appointments 02:40:40

Licensing 02:40:41

Payment of Statements 02:41:12

Other Business 02:41:13

Adjourn 02:41:49

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